
WISH has two types of members:

  • Full members – constituent organisations which represent sectors of the industry
  • Affiliate members – individual organisations such as companies and local authorities

A list of full and affiliate members is available.  A full definition of membership is included in the WISH Constitution.

From the full membership, a ‘WISH Steering Group’ is drawn to conduct the routine business of WISH, and ensure progress is made on the WISH Strategy and blueprints.

The current WISH Steering Group is presented below.

Chair – WISH / CoryChris Jones
Secretary – WISH / OUToni Gladding
Energy and Utility Skills (EU Skills)Denise McGlyn
Environmental Services Association (ESA) / Biffa
Richard Hulland
Heath and Safety Executive (HSE)
Tim Small
Lee Schilling
Jo Carter
Local Authority Waste Safety & Health Forum (LAWS) / Kettering Borough Council Beth Gordon
Renewable Energy Association (REA)Toni Robinson
GMB / Trades Union Congress (TUC)Lynsey Mann
Waste & Resources Action Programme (WRAP) Lisa Chilcott
The Chartered Institution of Wastes Management (CIWM) / ShanksGeoff Smallwood
SWITCH Representation (SWITCH)Adrian Bond
Jim Brown

SWITCH, although not a member of the Steering Group, regularly attend WISH Steering Group meetings to share knowledge and experience and have lead on a competency framework initiative.  You can contact SWITCH here.